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Summary of the taxes applicable in Senegal


The Tax Code of Senegal, derived from Law No. 92-40 of July 9 1992, consists of four books :
• Book 1: direct taxes and similar charges ;
• Book 2: Indirect taxes and similar charges ;
• Book 3: registration, stamp, land registration and similar charges ;
• Book 4: control, collection and litigatio.
The Code has since been the subject of two important reforms :
• by Law No. 2001-07 of September 18 200. transposing to internal Senegalese law the instructions related to the harmonization of indirect taxation for member states of UEMOA ;
• And • Law No. 2004-1. of February. 200. amending more than 200 articles of the Code ..



Corporate taxes


Taxable persons

Fully taxable businesses :

- Capital companies,

- Civil societies that engage in industrial operations, commercial, forestry and mining,

- Civil societies engaged in agricultural and craft operations and who have not opted for the status of partnerships,

- Consumer cooperatives when they own establishments, shops or stores for the sale or delivery of goods, products or cargo,

- Companies cooperatives and cooperative unions of industrialists, traders and craftsmen,

- Production Cooperatives,

- Mortgage loan companies,

- Institutions, bodies of state and local governments that enjoy financial autonomy and engage in industrial acticitivies, commercial or profit-making activities,

- Insurance companies, reinsurance companies, and mutuals,

- Government-owned corporations,

- Legal persons engaged in business or profit-making activities,

- Legal persons domiciled abroad beneficiaries of land revenue in Senegal, or realizing capital gains as a result of sales of securities or social rights held in Senegalese incorporated firms,

- LLCs whose sole shareholder is a corporation,

- The share of profits corresponding to the rights of associates of associations by participation, including the financial unions and ship owners companies, whose names and addresses have not been communicated to the administration,

- The share of profits for the rights of limited partners unless they opt to IS


Corporations subject to taxation by option are :

- Partnerships (CNS)

- Joint ventures,

- Individual companies,

- Economic interest groups (GIE),

- Limited partnerships (SCS),

- LLCs whose sole shareholder is a natural person,

N.B.: Once chosen, the option becomes irrevocable.


The consumer purchasing groups that simply gather orders

of their members and distribute in their consignment stores foodstuffs, products

and goods which were the subject of these orders,

- Mutual agricultural credit banks,

- Agricultural cooperative organizations and associations,

- Insurance companies or agricultural mutual reinsurance operating

in accordance with their purpose and the status of similar companies,

- Mutual benefit societies,

- Rural development and management companies, provided that their resources are constituted by at least 80% of public subsidies,

- Associations or non-profit organizations,

- Public institutions of a managerial or professional nature,

- Housing cooperative societies and "Castor" groups, which perform, nonprofit, the subdivision and housing construction for the exclusive benefit of its members.


The rate of corporate tax is 25%.

However, it is reduced to 15% for companies benefiting from the free export enterprise status.

Any portion of the taxable income of less than 1,000 francs is neglected.

Minimum flat tax


In case of loss or small profit, companies subject to corporate income tax are allocated the Lump Minimum Tax (MFIs). The annual amount is fixed into consideration of the turnover excluding tax realized the previous year, at the rates below :


Revenue excluding taxes



Up to 250 million FCFA


500 000 FCFA

From 250,000,00. to 500,000,000 FCFA


750 000 FCFA

Beyond 500 million FCFA

1 000 000 FCFA






Lump contribution to the Employers Charge

Taxable persons

The flat fee is set annually at the expense of individuals and

corporations and organizations that pay salaries

Taxable income

Salaries, wages, allowances and emoluments are subject to the flat-rate contribution :

- Where the recipient is resident in Senegal while paid employment would be exercised outside that State, provided that the employer is resident or established in Senegal,

- Where the recipient is domiciled outside Senegal, provided that paid work is exercised in Senegal and the employer will be domiciled or established in Senegal



Are exempt for 3 years, by approval of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, companies that create at least 50 jobs contract of indefinite duration.


3% in relation to wages and salaries received by national workers





Contribution of business licensing tax

Taxable persons

It is due by any person who engages in Senegal in trade, industry, profession excluding those with salaried activities within the meaning of the Labour Code.

Taxable income



