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This new version of the site was created in 2013 under the initiative of::

- Mr. Paul TASONG NJUKANG, CEMAC Department of Economic, Monetary and Financial Policy Commissionner

- Mr. Guy Amedee AJANOHOUN  WAEMU Department of the Corporate, Energy, Communications and Tourism Development Commissionner


The implementation of the new version was piloted in 2013:

- Mr. Adama Traore, IZF Association Coordinator and Webmaster


The graphic design and development of the new version under Drupal was provided in 2013 by ADA GROUP ( is external)


The first version of the website was created in 1998 at the initiative of the  "Invest in the Franc Zone" Steering Committee upon a decision of the Ministers of Finance and Economy of Countries that share the CFA Franc

Members of the steering committee for the creation of the site (in 1998):

Mr. Frédéric Assomption Korsaga WAEMU Commissioner in charge of Economic Policies

Mr. Thomas Dakayi Kamga, CEMAC Executive Secretary, UDEAC General Secretary

Mr. Oumar Ly Tatam, BCEAO Acting Director of Studies

Mr. Alexandre Renamy-Lariot, BEAC Zone Head of Economics Department

Mr. Ntang Gilbert, BEAC Director

Mr. Omar Fall, BOAD Director of the Department of Economic Integration, Studies and Cooperation

Mr. Mbassa, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cameroon

Mr. Dibady-Mayla, Chief of Staff of the Minister of Finance of Gabon

Mr. Ahounoud, Advisor to the Minister of Economy and Finance of Côte d'Ivoire

Mr. Mame Cor Sene, Advisor to the Minister of Economy and Finance of Senegal

Mr. Jean-Michel Thornary - Office of the Minister, French Cooperation

Mr. Michel Reveyrand - French Cooperation, Head of CEE Service

Mr. Colombani - DECR

Mrs. Sophie Guiot - DECR

Mr. Olivier Paquier - Treasury Department

Mr. Laurent Guillot - Treasury Department

Mr. Hecquet - Bank of France (Franc Zone)

Mrs Agnès Dufey - MEDEF International

Mr. Feltz - AFD - Private Sector

Mrs Virginie Delisée - AFD

Mr. Castelnau - CIAN

The implementation of this website in 1998 was led by the late Jean-Claude Quirin (French Cooperation) and Michel Aveline (Mazarin).

Participated in the creation of this site in 1998:

- Mr. Jean-Pierre Desnot

- Mr. Laurent Belmudes

And also:

- Miss Florence Chauvet

- Miss Fabienne Delpy

- Miss Barbarella Aubry

- Mr. Cyril Nicolas

- Mr. Cedric Scandella and Mr. Emanuel Moulinette

- Mr. Marc Touitou

- Mrs. Muriel Devey

- Mr. Jean-Luc Clouard

We also wish to thank for their advice, help or collaboration (in 1998):

- Mr. Roland Pourtier, Professor, President of Ecuador Association

- Mrs. Baillenxs, M. Boidin and M. Closse at CFCE

- Mrs.Sophie Guiot at DECR and Mr. Laurent Guillot at the Treasury

- Mr. Freslon and Mrs. Marie-Claire Boulay at the Ministry of Cooperation

- Mr. René Landrin, RPC

- Mrs. Victoria Zalacain, Landscapes, Images and Cartography

- See more at: