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Summary of the taxes applicable in Mali

Malian taxation, based for more than thirty years on orders n °. / CMLN of 27 February 1970 and n °. / CMLN of January 16, 1973, was the subject of a major reform by two laws of 29 December 200. adopting: 

-          of a new general Code of taxes  (Act n ° 06-067/yr) ; 

-          of a Book of Tax Procedure (Act No. 06-068 / AN). 

Both texts are supplemented and amended by;:

-          law n ° 2010-1. and 2010-15, May 31, 2010 (Amendment of the General taxes and the book of the tax procedures Code) ;

-           Law n ° 2011-36, July 15, 2011, determining the fiscal resources of municipalities, circles and regions ;

-           Law n ° 2011-78 of 23 December 201. adopting the state budget under the 201. budget year (Finance Act 2012).



Table 1 : Corporate Tax and Tax on Industrial and Commercial Profits (IS-RPIC)


Corporate Tax and Tax on Industrial and Commercial Profits (IS-RPIC)


Taxable persons

-     Commercial, industrial, craft, liberal professions of office holders of any lucrative activity

-     Salaries allocated in the form of fees to any person carrying out an occupation, even incidentally outside a company, office of studies, or firm regularly registered with the IRS

-     Profits of foreign companies in Mali are taxable subject to the provisions of the international conventions ratified by the State.

-     Legal persons are taxed in respect of the corporation tax

-      natural persons in respect of industrial and commercial profits tax



-     - Consumer Cooperatives Companies that simply group the orders of their members and to distribute their consignment stores foodstuffs, products or goods which have been the subject of such orders ;

-     Low-cost housing offices ;

-     The mutual agricultural credit unions governed by the laws in force in the matter;

-     Companies of foresight, corporations of agricultural cooperatives, agricultural associations of general interest, insurance and agricultural mutual reinsurance ;

-     Mutual benefit societies ;

-     State or municipal public not-for-profit institutitions ;

-     Local authorities, municipalities and their services boards ;

-     Chambers of commerce, industry, handicrafts, agriculture and trade, when not engaged in commercial activities;

-     Non-profit associations and organizations if legally constituted and whose management is disinterested ;

-     Investment companies with fixed and variable capital for the portion of the profits from the net proceeds of their portfolio or capital gains they realize on the sale of securities or shares being part of this portfolio.




Tax collection

Payments by taxpayers subject to the responsible tax centre. However, the detailed rules for these payments can vary depending on the turnover of the taxpayer. Indeed, taxpayers with a turnover of less than 100 million francs can opt for the real simplified regime. In this scheme, the taxpayer shall pay three instalments in addition to its final assessment produced at the end of the fiscal year. This deposit is equivalent to 0.20% of the turnover of the previous year for the gas is catering to the local market stations and 0.60% for all other companies. These contributions are paid no later than 3. March, 3. July and 30 November of each year. For new companies subject to the simplified scheme, deposits are calculated on the basis of the forecast revenue





Summary tax


Taxable persons

Summary tax is due by individual operators with an annual turnover of more than 30 million francs.


-       The business of import and export ;

-       Persons subject to the real simplified scheme ;

-       The persons exploiting several institutions ;

-       Office holders and offices and some professionals (lawyers, accountants).



The value of the tax varies depending on the activity, profession of the debtor and the conditions under which it is exercised

rates vary from 1. 700 to. 200 000 francs CFA.

Table 2 :Summary tax



Tax on wages and salaries (ITS)

Taxable persons/activities

The amounts paid in the year to employees by public and private employers;:

employment income, commissions, bonuses, tips and any other benefits or emoluments received as employment income.

pensions and annuities and earnings per share allocated to corporate executives.


-       Taxpayers under international conventions, bilateral or multilateral

-       Family allowances and family assistance.

-       Increases balance for dependents (if they are assigned to all employees of a company).

-       Veteran pensions.

-       Annuities and temporary compensation to victims of workplace accidents.

-       The dismissal or retirement benefits.


Tax calculation

The tax is calculated from January. of the tax year on the following scale :


Table 1: ITS annual tax schedule

Income brackets (FCFA)





175 000


175 001

600 000


600 001

1 200 000


1 200 001

1 800 000


1 800 001

2 400 000


2 400 001

3 500 000


Over 3 500 000















In addition, employees benefit from tax reduction for dependents. These reductions vary according to marital status and number of children. Thus, a married employee, without children, is entitled to a 10% discount. Each dependent child entitles an employee to a reduction of 2.5% (per child), up to and including the 10th child, and a major but disabled child entitles an employee to a reduction of 10% Are considered as dependent children, children who, while not having income, are aged less than 18 years old, those over 18 and under 2. who are serving in the military or studying.

Tax collection

Withheld at the source on a monthly basis by the employer.

Table 3 :Tax on wages and salaries (ITS)


Table 4 : Value Added Tax (VAT)


Value Added Tax (VAT)

Taxable persons/activities

Natural or legal persons including those of the public economic sector, which perform independently in habitual or occasional basis, the transactions subject to value added tax regardless of their legal status, their position in relation to other Taxes and the form and nature of their intervention; and that they realize a turnover excluding tax over 30 million CFA Francs


VAT hits the values of all supplies of goods and services from the point of production to that of consumption. Its scope includes five main areas :

1. Supply of goods

2. Services

3. Deliveries to oneself by a taxable person

4. Imports

5. Agricultural products, livestock and fisheries processing.


Exemptions that apply to VAT beings can classified into four groups :


-       Sales and similar transactions :

-       Provision of Services :

-       Other activities and services subject to a specific tax :


Specific products :

This is a list of products listed in the Code, each with a specific number including among others: some commodities and medicines.

However, Law No. 2011-078 of 23 December 201. is a redevelopment Article 19. CGI in establishing a reduced rate of 5% on certain products, sales and services that were exempt from VAT. These include :

 List of agricultural machinery ;

 Computer hardware ;


Tax rate

VAT rate is :

-       5%

-       18%  for other non-exempt goods and services


Tax collection

The collection of VAT varies by plan type to which the taxpayer is subject to the level of tax on corporate and business profits.

Taxpayers subject to the simplified real regime (turnover between 30 million and 100 million francs) pay VAT in monthly instalments calculated on the basis of turnover, with a rate varying according to the case or property, furniture or service. They must, no later than May 1. of the year following the closure of the financial year, produce a consolidated annual statement of all transactions carried out during the past year.

Taxpayers under the normal real monthly plan must file no later than the 15th a statement, the contents of which are all the preceding month operations.


Table 5 : Tax on road transport


Tax on road transport

Taxable persons/activities

The tax on road transport (TTR) targets public carriers operating road transport commercial service and whose vehicles are registered in Mali. The tax has the particularity to release the motor carrier of certain tax obligations and the business tax, the contribution to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali and the tax on motor vehicles.


No exemption

Tax rate

Tables 3 and. contain the tax amounts


Table 3 : TTR rate for vehicles used for the transport of persons (CFA)

Vehicle capacity

Vehicle age

10 years old and less

More than 10 years

16 people or less

128 000

88 000

Between 17 and 35 people

168 000

116 000

Between 36 and 4 people

253 000

174 800

46 or more people

326 600

230 000


Table 4: TTR rate for vehicles used for the transport of persons (CFA)

Vehicle capacity

Vehicle age

10 years old and less

More than 10 years

10 tons or less

188 600

133 400

Between 10 and 15 tons

243 800

170 200

Between 15 and 24 tonnes

317 400

220 800

More than 24 tons

414 000

289 800







Table 6 : Professional training levy



Professional training levy

Taxable persons/activities

The training levy is payable by all individuals and companies subject to tax on business profits.


Three-year exemption for employers hiring older employees who are at least 40 years old and have at least a professional qualification from an accredited vocational school. Two-year exemption for employers hiring workers who have been laid off for economic reasons.

Tax rate

The vocational training tax of which the rate is set at 2%, is set on the same basis as the fixed contribution, it is calculated on the gross amount of remuneration, salaries, wages, allowances paid to all staff there including the real values of benefits in kind.


Table 7 : Housing tax


Housing tax

Taxable persons/activities

The housing tax is levied on employers in the private and broader public sector.


No exemption

Tax rate

The housing tax of which the rate is set at 1% of payroll is calculated on the gross amount of remuneration, salaries, wages, allowances paid to all staff by employers in the private and broader public sector.


Table 8 : The youth employment tax



The youth employment tax

Taxable persons/activities

The youth employment tax (MLAT) is levied on employers in the private and broader public sector.


Three-year exemption for employers hiring older employees who are at least 40 years old and have at least a professional qualification from an accredited vocational school. Two-year exemption for employers hiring workers who have been laid off for economic reasons.

Tax rate

The youth employment tax is calculated on the gross amount of wages, salaries, wages, allowances paid to all staff by employers in the private and broader public sector. The tax rate is 2%.






Table 9 : Contribution of business licensing tax


Contribution of business licensing tax

Taxable persons/activities

All persons or entities who exercise in Mali trade, a profession, an industry not included explicitly in the exemptions. The profession must be exercised effectively and usual way, must be exercised for profit, and finally must be exercised in Mali.


-       The State, local authorities and public bodies ;

-       Legal persons benefiting from the exemption from corporation tax and tax on industrial and commercial profits ;

-       Taxable to the summary tax for activities for which they are subject to that tax ;

-       Partners of a partnership, limited liability partnership or limited partnership ;

-       Livestock exporters under that activity alone ;


Tax base and tax schedule

The patent consists of a fixed fee and a proportional right sitting on the rental value of local professionals.


a) Fixed duty


The amount of the fixed charge is given in the patent fee. It is based on the nature of the applied profession of sales, elements of the operation and the place of practice of the profession. The flat fee is due per institution and not by profession.


b) prorated fee


To the fixed fee is added a prorated fee calculated on the annual rental value of the premises used for the practice of the profession (offices, stores, shops, workshops, shed) as well as that of the fixed tooling and facilities any kind. The rental value is in principle the actual value at January. of the tax year. The proportional tax rate is 10% of the rental value. It may not be less than one quarter (1/4) of the fixed charge.



Tax rate

The license fee is calculated by adding the fixed fee to the prorated fee.

Tax collection

A person undertaking a commercial activity subject to license is required to make a declaration to the tax office within 10 days of the start of the exercise of the activity. The license payment deadline is April 30.




Table 10 : Contribution of licenses



Contribution of licenses

Taxable persons/activities

Any natural or legal person engaged in wholesale or retail of alcoholic fermented beverages or eat-in or take-out is subject to a license fee for each marketing outlet, without reduction for branches.

Tax rate

The price applicable to each class is set by the table below and also varies depending on geographic location.



Table : Rates of license fees (CFA francs)



Other regional capitals

Other locations

1st class: Bar, café-concert, café-restaurant

150 000

125 000

75 000

2nd class: Cabarets, canteens

100 000

62 500

37 500

3rd class: Restaurants, wholesalers and retailers (take-away)

50 000

37 500

18 000

4th class: Indigenous beverages shops (dolo, etc.)

25 000

12 500

9 000



Tax collection

A person undertaking a commercial activity subject to license is required to make a declaration to the tax office within 10 days of the start of the exercise of the activity. The license payment deadline is April 30.

SEE ALSO (in French): Customs Fees in West Africa – Mali, Local Taxes and VAT in Mali