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Summary of the taxes applicable in Congo


Table 1 : Taxes on industrial, commercial, craft and agricultural profits (BICA)


Taxes on industrial and commercial and agricultural profits (BICA)


Taxable persons

Profits from the exercise of a commercial, industrial, craft or agricultural profession


-Profits from furnished leasing



Benefits from a new operation (company or plantation)


progressive rate

Annual Schedule


Income <200.000       :   1%

200.000-800000         :   15%

8000.000-2.500.000   :   30%

2.500.000-8.000.000  :   50%




Table 2 : Tax on profits from non commercial professsions


Tax on profits from non commercial professsions


Personnes imposables

Income received by persons performing liberal professions (architects lawyers, notaries, private schools)


progressive rate

Annual Schedule


Income <200.000       :   1%

200.000-800000         :   15%

8000.000-2.500.000   :   30%

2.500.000-8.000.000  :   50%




Table 3 : Corporate taxes


Corporate taxes

Taxable persons

-          Capital companies and equivalents  ;

-          Cooperatives ;

-          Public institutions and state agencies enjoying financial autonomy

-          Civil societies and private clubs for their business ;

-          Companies that opted for the IS.



-          Agricultural products production, transformation and conservation cooperative societies  ;

-          Agricultural Unions ;

-          Public affordable housing offices

-          Mutual agricultural credit fund

-          Economic Interest Group (EIG)

-          New companies (. first exercises, under conditions)



30% for foreign companies and oil services






Table 4 : Special tax on companies


Special tax on companies

Taxable persons


-          Public limited company

-          Limited liability companies

-          Limited stock partnerships



-          Agricultural products production, transformation and conservation cooperative societies  ;

-          Agricultural Unions ;

-          Public affordable housing offices

-          Mutual agricultural credit fund

-          Economic Interest Group (EIG)

New companies (. first exercises, under conditions)



2% (if two successive deficits)



Table 5 : Company car tax


Company car tax

Taxable persons

Persons subject to corporation tax


Passenger vehicles aged over 10 years


-          200 000  Francs

-          500 000 Francs



Table 6 : Value Added Tax


Value Added Tax

Taxable persons

Individuals and legal entities including local communities who realize taxable transactions ie transactions within an economic activity


-          Sales of products grown by farmers, ranchers, fishermen and hunters ;

-          Sale of postal figurines

-          Printing and imports of newspapers ;

-          Works of art

-          Health, social and education provisions

-          Essential goods


Normal rate : 18%

Rate is zero for exports, international transport   and eucalyptus industry




Table 7 : Excise duties


Excise duties

Taxable persons

-          Tobacco ;

-          Alcohol

-          Jewellery, silverware, goldsmithery ;

-          Passenger vehicles ;

-          Hi-fi ; vidéo


All other property

All services






Table 8 : Flat tax on wages


Flat tax on wages

Taxable persons

Employers and payers of allowances



-          The state, international organizations diplomatic missions ;

-          The salary of the spouse of the sole holder

-          State organizations enjoying financial autonomy, departments


-          5% on all wages, increased

-          4% on the fractions above 1,500,000 except for industrial and handling businesses


Table 9 : Apprenticeship tax


Apprenticeship tax

Taxable persons

Establishment or public, private or mixed companies employing one or more workers


On demand for companies that train their staff


1% of total wages and salaries




Table 10 : Contribution of business licensing


Contribution of business licensing

Taxable persons

Natural and legal persons who exercise an industrial, commercial or not, artisanal, activity


-          The state, municipalities, pension companies ;

-          The partners of limited public companies or limited partnerships

-          Public and private institutions with the purpose of taking in poor children

-          The mining concessionaires


Fixed fee and / or variable fee depending on the activity, equipment, personnel, etc...


Table 11 : Contribution of licenses


Contribution of licenses

Taxable persons

Natural or legal persons engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages


Sale of soft drinks


Amount varying as a function of the classes of the license

SEE ALSO (in French): The Common External Tariff of CEMAC - Congo, Local Taxes and VAT in Congo