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Summary of the taxes applicable in Equatorial Guinea


The Equatorial Guinea Tax Code ("Sistema Tributario") was established by Act No. 04-200. of 28 October 200. to take into account in particular the changes to the regional level by the CEMAC tax directives relating to corporate tax, personal income tax, and value added tax


Table 1 : Corporate taxes


Corporate taxes


Taxable persons

Public Limited Companies,

Limited liability public limited companies,


public institutions,

civil societies engaging in commercial transactions or where one member is a corporation

the partnerships that have opted for this tax.


The rate is 35%

A discount of 50% may be granted to companies head-quartered within the inner continent or on the island of Annobon.



Table 2 : Minimum tax


Minimum tax


Taxable persons

All companies operating in Equatorial Guinea, regardless of their legal status, are subject to payment



It corresponds to 1% of the turnover achieved during the previous year (minimum 800,000 CFA francs)






Table 3 :Value added and excise tax


Value-added tax (VAT) and excise duties

Taxable persons

The natural or legal persons who carry out taxable transactions in Equatorial Guinea.


Taxable transactions


Any activity performed for remuneration in the country including :

-          The provision of services,

-          The sale or transfer for consideration of property,

-          Import,

-          Construction and building maintenance,

-          The consumption of goods and services, sales of used goods by professionals


-          Medical services,

-          Social, educational and cultural services,

-          Sales of raw products from agriculture, livestock and fisheries directly to final consumers

-          The banking, insurance and sales of products of extractive activities of soil and subsoil are subject to a special tax.


The VAT rate is 15%

A reduced rate of 6% is applied on basic commodities such as meat, poultry, milk, bread, rice dishes for infant feeding and books.

The 0% rate applies only to exports.

Some products are taxed 30% :

-          Certain alcoholic beverages,

-          Tobacco,

-          Beauty products,

-          Jewelry


SEE ALSO (in French): The Common External Tariff of CEMAC – Equatorial Guinea